How does Truth and Reconciliation in Canada relate to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals?
Hensley, L. (2015, July 09). [Residential School Classroom]. Retrieved from "I think all Canadians need to stop and take a look and not look away. Yeah, it's embarrassing, yeah, it's an ugly part of our history. We don't want to know about it. What I want to see from the Commission is to rewrite the history books so that other generations will understand and not go through the same thing that we're going through now, like it never happened" - Daniel Elliot (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, p.13) Residential Schools were based on the "assumption that European civilization and Christian religions were superior to Aboriginal culture" (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, p.4). The United Nations has created 17 goals to achieve Sustainable Development including "Quality Education" and "